The project
Our vision is to devise a pan-European responsible practice through which digital storytelling can be conducted. NACCS aims to use narrative accountability – an umbrella term to account for the power dynamics, ownership, responsibility, control and democratization involved in storytelling – to support organizations working in cultural and civic fields to use stories in more inclusive ways.
To do this we will research existing practices and produce a set of governing principles of narrative accountability, create tools for VET practitioners to aid their own learning and enhance their educational delivery (PR2), deliver trainings to develop partners’ expertise in this field (C1, 2 & 3) and delivery multiplier events to share this learning with VET providers, researchers and policymakers (E1&2).
During the NACCS project, all partners will research existing uses of narrative accountability in cultural and community contexts at the local, national and pan-European levels. We will train trainers and educators working in cultural and community settings to think critically about narrative accountability and how to apply it in practice. The goal over the 36 months will be to raise awareness of the role and practical application of narrative accountability in cultural and community contexts.
Finally, the partners will develop and create peer learning opportunities (online and offline) for practitioners working with narrative in cultural and community contexts.